What counts is not only the legal profession but also the clients: their stories, their questions, their concerns, their life situations. I know and empathize with the clients when they come to me, the client's problem is the most important thing in the world right then and there.
That is why I am and will always be a strict outsider, trust and transparent communication are essential for me, as is informing the clients of their options and the realistic possible outcome of their case.
I mainly provide legal advice and representation in civil law matters, litigation, drafting and legal opinions on sales, rental and commercial contracts, and family law matters. You can find more information about my services in the menu below.
One of my special service is to assist European small and medium sized companies in their expansion in the United Arab Emirates, including all business and legal aspects. I lived in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates for 6 years, I have extensive contacts and business connections in the region, and I am constantly developing them.
I am a member of the VNSN Lawyers' Association, an international team of lawyers in Europe and the Middle East.
We have an international team in Dubai and Budapest. In Dubai, our profile includes market research, business partner search, assistance in company formation and general consultancy.
Whether you're building a business in the region or returning from abroad and could use some advice on starting afresh as an employee or entrepreneur, we can also use our extensive international contacts and experience in Budapest. If you'd like to share your business plans with us, we're always open to hearing from you.
Dr. Nora Novak
Attorney at law
+36 20 933 0113
Contract law
Preparation and examination of contracts customary in business life: sales contracts, international trade contracts, contracts for services, commission, lease, franchise, labour related and other contracts
DUBAI - Legal, business development advice in the United Arab Emirates
One of the law firm's strengths is that, as the owner of The Dubai Connect brand, we have an extensive network of local Emirati contacts, which in many cases makes the path to success in the Emirates much easier and shorter.
Legal compliance due diligence
What does it solve?
- If you're a business leader looking to increase company efficiency and revenue
- If you are not sure that your company's operations or management activities comply with legal requirements

Hogyan találd meg első dubai ingatlanod?
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Hogyan tudunk együtt dolgozni annak érdekében, hogy megtaláld az első dubai ingatlanod? Van jó eladó ingatlanotok? Tudtok mutatni néhány jó ingatlant? Egyik ismerősöm nemrég vett a Pálmán, van esetleg most valami jó vétel? Számtalan ilyen és hasonló kérdéssel fordulnak hozzánk…

Tippek, gondolatok az első emirátusi ingatlan befektetésedhez
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Ahogy a dubaji ingatlanpiac továbbra is erőteljesen növekszik, egyre több első befektető lép a piacra. Véleményem szerint a projekt megkezdése stratégiai tervezést és megalapozott döntéseket igényel. Íme, a legfontosabb lépések, amelyek segíthetnek a döntésben: Készíts egy világos kívánságlistát Mind a…

Emirátusi ingatlan körkép – 1. rész
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Régi vágyam, hogy írjak jogi, üzleti szempontból az Emirátusokban, az Emirátusokról összegyűjtött, kifejezetten az ingatlanpiacot érintő tapasztalataimról. Volt szerencsém az elmúlt héten egy ismert és elismert ingatlanbróker, Laura Ahmad társaságát élvezni Dubaiban, aki körbevezetett és megmutatta az általa is kezelt…